Who is Matthew D. Hutcheson? (“HUTCH”)

Matthew D. Hutcheson was maliciously prosecuted by the Obama Administration’s corrupt Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force, or FFETF. Matthew is beloved by people around the world for the service he has given to so many.

That is why we and thousands of others ARE FIGHTING FOR HUTCH! Join with us!

What can you do to FIGHT FOR HUTCH?

FIRST, visit this petition page to learn more about Obama’s corrupt Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force. Please sign the petition. Your support will help thousands.


SECOND, read this article about what the Obama Administration’s FBI did to Matthew. You have heard the news reports about what the FBI did to General Michael Flynn. It was those very same people in the FBIs Washington DC office directing the actions of the local FBI agent in Matthew’s case.


THIRD, read the following article,What Ever Happened to Matt Hutcheson?”


FINALLY, sign the personal petition to free Matthew.


And don’t forget to buy Matthew’s very special books found on Amazon!

And Coming Soon!

Together we will tell Matthew’s story far and wide and help return him to his family where he belongs!

Please LIKE www.facebook.com/MDHbooks