Why America is Great

“Some say America needs to be made great again, but we say America has always been great but her people need to become great again.” – Matthew D. Hutcheson

Author of Why America is Great, Quinny, Contemplum, and others.

With President’s Day on Monday, Memorial Day a few months later, and Independence Day a few months after that, there is much to remind us of our liberties and citizenship in the United States of America. May all American citizens everywhere join hearts and hands in remembering the miracle that America is, including how she came to be. Gratitude for America is needed now more than ever.

Matthew and Annette Hutcheson have authorized us to make one of his downloadable eBooks, Why America is Great, available for public download at no cost. (If you want a print copy, you may find it at any major bookseller, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Lulu, etc.) We hope you will enjoy and share this amazing book written by Hutcheson while he was in prison.